Aletheia Coaching
one-on-one unfolding sessions
Are you tired of being on the self-improvement treadmill?
There is an alternative – unfoldment!
Are you caught in the Self-Improvement Trap?
Most approaches to coaching are framed within the self-improvement paradigm. This is obviously well-intended but self-improvement coaching usually generates an unintended negative side-effect that I call the self-improvement trap.
When you are caught in the self-improvement trap it seems like the more you try to improve yourself, the more self-improvement you need. This is never-ending and exhausting. There is an alternative!
Unfold Your Innate Resourcefulness, Creativity, and Wisdom
Aletheia Coaching is framed within the unfoldment paradigm. The unfoldment approach to coaching offers a powerful and effective alternative to self-improvement.
The core premise of the unfoldment paradigm is that you are already a whole and complete human being. Any experience of self-deficiency is actually calling you toward deeper contact with yourself, others, and the world.
In Aletheia Coaching, instead of trying to fix, upgrade, or improve who you are, we focus on deepening contact with who you are. Through this you uncover innate resourcefulness, creativity, and wisdom that has been blocked and unintegrated. What unfolds is a different sense of yourself, of others, and of complex and challenging situations you find yourself in. New possibilities for collaboration and action emerge. You find yourself inhabiting your body and your ecosystem of relationships in new ways that enable you to navigate complexity with more capability and wisdom.
The Four Depths: Unlocking the Continuum of Consciousness
At the heart of the Aletheia Coaching approach lies a profound model of human experience and potential – the Four Depths. This framework describes distinct levels of presence and awareness, each representing a particular stage in the unfolding of consciousness.
The Four Depths can be understood as a continuum, with the shallowest level at one end and the deepest at the other. As one moves through this spectrum, the limitations of the conditioned self are transcended, and the ever-present truth of one’s being is gradually awakened.
The Depth of Parts
At this most superficial level, experience is characterized by a sense of fragmentation and objectification. The self and the world are perceived as a collection of separate parts, each with its own agenda and narrative. This is the realm of the ego, where one can get caught up in the endless dance of inner critic, pleaser, rebel, and other distinct personality aspects.
The Depth of Process
As presence deepens, the fluid, ever-changing nature of experience is recognized. Rather than static objects, a flowing river of sensations, emotions, and imaginal phenomena is encountered. Here, the inherent wisdom of the body and the organic unfolding of one’s felt sense are accessed.
The Depth of Presence
At an even more profound level, the boundless qualities of one’s true nature – such as trust, love, courage, and joy – are discovered. This is the realm of Presence, where fundamental wholeness and the vast resources that lie within are recognized. By embodying these transformative qualities, the path to authentic fulfillment and unwavering resilience is unlocked.
The Depth of Non-Duality
Finally, at the deepest level of the continuum, the radical interconnectedness of all things is awakened to. In this state of non-dual awareness, the boundaries between self and other, inner and outer, dissolve. The primal unity that underlies the apparent multiplicity of existence is directly experienced, transcending the limited perspective of the separate self.
The Aletheia Coaching Method The Four Depths model serves as the foundation for the Aletheia Coaching approach, guiding practitioners through a multifaceted journey of self-discovery and personal unfoldment.
Parts Work
The exploration of the Depth of Parts is inspired by modalities like Internal Family Systems and Voice Dialogue, facilitating a nuanced understanding of the inner landscape and the integration of various personality aspects.
Process Work
By engaging with the Depth of Process through somatic practices and Focusing, a direct connection with the embodied, felt sense of experience is facilitated, tapping into the natural wisdom of the body.
Presence Work
At the Depth of Presence, teachings and practices rooted in the Diamond Approach, Daoism, and Yoga are drawn upon to support the embodiment of the transformative qualities of one’s true nature.
Nondual Work
Finally, the direct recognition of the Depth of Non-Duality is inspired by the nondual traditions of Tibetan Buddhism, Daoism, and the mystical streams of Christianity, Judaism, and Islam.
By integrating these four distinct yet interconnected domains, the Aletheia Coaching method empowers individuals to unlock their full potential, achieve lasting fulfillment, and embody the truth of their being.
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